Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week 2: Abou Eid Culture

Disputes between the members of Arab Abou Eid are solved by their Sheikh Abed Al-Aziz (الشيخ عبد العزيز الملحم). Still today, Arab Abou Eid rely on tribal laws and judgments to solve their conflicts. In case of murder for example, the murderer and his tribe should pay a fine to the family of the victim. The murderer has to pay one-third of the fine while his tribe has to pay two-thirds of the fine.

Arab Abou Eid transfer their history and customs through "السوالف", an art of history. Through stories and dialogues, historical information is transferred across generations. But with the introduction of the modern-day entertainment appliances such as television into the lives of Arab Abou Eid, this art of history is loosing popularity and the maintenance of Arab Abou Eid history and customs is becoming harder.

Marriage is still to a large extent influenced by the customs of Arab Abou Eid. But girls are having more freedom than before in their choices in marriage. The phenomenon of polygamy is still present but decreasing.

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